The Placebo Effect

Can the Mind Heal the Body?

In order to heal ourselves, we need more than just a good diet, regular exercise program, enough sleep or vitamins. All those things are great, critical and important. But we also need healthy relationships, a healthy professional life, a healthy creative life, a healthy spiritual life, a healthy sex life, a healthy financial life and a healthy environment. In essence, we need a healthy mind. Medical literature has copious data proving that all of those things are essential. 

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Evolution by Natural Selection Vs. Intelligent design

The proponents of ‘Intelligent Design’ assert that natural selection could not create irreducibly complex systems because the system would function only when all parts are appropriately assembled. Such a system could not evolve through a long-term process of natural selection. This, apparently, sounds a very resilient argument. But the problem is that it is constantly proved wrong!

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Why Bad Things Happen to Good People?

Because our souls yearn for justice, because we so desperately want to believe that God will be fair to us, we often  fasten our hopes on the idea that life in this world is not the only reality. Somewhere beyond this life is another world where “the last shall be first” and those whose lives were cut short here on earth will be reunited with those they loved, and will spend eternity with them.

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Everything in Ancient Egypt was Religion

he Egyptians had worshiped Isis with especial fondness and piety. They created her jewelled images as this Mother of God since she gave birth to god Horus, the god of the sun. Her tonsured priests praised and worshipped her.  In the midwinter of each year, when the annual rebirth of the sun was celebrated (December 25), the temples of Horus (god of the sun), presented Isis in holy effigy nursing, in a stable, the infant Horus, whom she had miraculously conceived.

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Donald Trump: The Wrong Man in the Oval Office

Trump blithely minimizes the lethality of the coronavirus because he doesn’t want to look bad. And he continues to be belligerent and claims that he did exceedingly well in combating the virus, even after some 2.4 lakh Americans have already lost their lives in the pandemic. Trump takes no responsibility for anything, boasts repeatedly about his genius, and shows nothing but contempt for those who happen to get in his way.

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The Woebegone Plight of the Palestinians

The human tragedy in Palestine is real, although it is no more headline news in the international media. In 1958, Ralph Galloway, former United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) director wrote, “Arab leaders do not give a damn whether Arab refugees live or die.” This is being proven true by their actions.

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Hagia Sophia – Cathedral Converted into Mosque

‘Hagia Sophia’ (Holy Wisdom) is the name of a magnificent Church built by Roman Emperor Justinian I (r. 527 – 565 CE) some 1500 years ago in Constantinople, his capital city (now Istanbul). This epitome of Byzantine architecture has been grabbing media attention after Turkey’s highest court issued an order on 10.07.2020 enabling the conversion of this 65,000 square feet architectural marvel into an Islamic place of worship (mosque)How did this great Byzantine structure become a mosque?

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